نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
مدرس مساعد بقسم علوم الإتصال والإعلام کلية الآداب جامعة عين شمس
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
Violence against women in Egyptian society has recently increased, and women became exposed to many of the risks that stand in the way of their role in community development, starting with sexual harassment and verbal or physical abuse, The discussion on the contribution of governmental and civil society organizations concerned with women's issues in protecting and defending their rights requires intervention in academic studies that will help to better understand the role of women's websites in addressing women's issues. The present study aims to identify the frameworks on which women's websites rely on addressing the issue of violence against women. which was implemented using the survey methodology, was based on a sample of women's websites, which are The websites of( the National Council for Women - The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights-and New woman Foundation). to study and analyze frameworks for addressing the issue of violence against women, from1/6/2016 to 31/6/2016.
The study is based on the use of the foundations of the theory of media frameworks, using the report of a content analysis.
The most important results of the study were that the National Council for Women was the most interested in bringing up the issues of violence against women and the most benefit from the interactive possibilities provided by the Internet.
It depends on a specific framework in addressing the issue, which is the framework of security.
Kew words: Frames - violence against Woman – websites