نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها/ كلية الاداب/ جامعة عين شمس/ مصر
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
The importance of the use of scriptural attention and its use is reflected in the ability of poets to create creative scenes through passages of poetry that included their thoughts and interpretations of the text, or the inclusion of the text after the stage or occasion, became the poetic text included to be able to enrich the emotions of the recipients .and lighting their minds and shake their feelings as .well
The textual observations were examined in samples of the poems :of the Kuwaiti poets according to the following five mechanisms
The mechanism of scriptual attention through symmetry either in- .accordance with the quotations script or the script
.The mechanism of scriptural attention through repetition-
. Mechanism of verbal attention through rhythm and music-
.Mechanism of verbal attention across foreign languages-
. The mechanism of verbal observation by echo-
The methodology used in this research is the descriptive analytical .approach
One of the most prominent results is that the scriptural attentiveness achieved an advantage manifested in increasing the strength and cohesion of the poetic text, transmitting the movement and vitality in it, the ability of pilgrims and persuasion, raising the meaning to the level of originality, and making the text more truthful .and objective