نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
المدرس المساعد بقسم التاريخ- كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
The disputes between the western allies on the one hand and the soviet union on the other hand appeared before German Surrendered at the end of the war and the German question came to increase the divisions between the two parties in the end was agreed to divide German into four Occupation zones (the Soviet Union – United States – British – France) and the German Capital Berlin was located in the Soviet region and was divided into four zones in the same manner mentioned above .
The Moscow Conference was held on 10 march 1947. During it the issue of German dicussed.but members failed to reach to any agreement on the basic foundations of the policy to be followed towards Germany . Thus the Moscow Conference is considered an important stage in the development of the cold war. As the western Side knew that there was no hope for negotiating the Soviet except from apposition of strength ganglion.
In November 1947, the London Conference of the council of foreign ministers was conferenced under the name of (the Last Opportunity Conference). However the three western powers did not reach to any solutions to many of the outstanding problems.
As reaction the western powers began to activate their economic zones by renewing the currency by replacing the in significant Mark Reich with a new currency, the "German Mark" of constant valve and Universally accepted.
Prompting the Soviet Union to Impose an embargo on the City of Berlin on 24 June,1948, where the City was embargoed and cut off all roads ,railway ,waterways ,and motorcars which connection the Capital to the three western occupation zones. Here , the United States and the United Kingdom extended an air lift to western Berlin to supply food and coal by air transport. This was a major blow to the Soviet blockade.
Eventually the Soviet Union was agreed to lift all restriction which imposed on the western regions and Berlin. After the Soviet Union discovered the futility of the blockade.