نوع المستند : مقالات أصلیه
كلية الآداب جامعة عين شمس – قسم علم الاجتماع
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
The organization of isis in Iraq comes out as a result of A- Qadea influence on its people, which was established by Abu Mesab Al-Zarkawy. After the demonstrations in Syria and the regulation losses humbers of cities out of its control, the isis take advantage of this and controlled many of these cities suche as, Al-Reka and Adleb and others. The speration of the isis from the origine Al-Qadea, considers one of the most important styges, incarnate in the disagreement between AL-Dawahry and Al-Baghdady about Syria.
The organization of isis announces the caliphate after control of Al-Mausel and ninwa in the year of 2014.
Isis emerges a number of leaders emerge of the isis organization, Abu Bakar Al-Baghdady, Abu Hamaza Al-Muhazer, Abu Ayman Al-Iraki, and many others.
The organization anchor on a organizational structure as the following:
1- The caliph.
2- Consultative council.
3- Military council.
4- Security council.
5- Legitimacy commission (shariah)
6- Media a commission.
The think of isis anhor on many theorists, old as Ibn Taymia and Mohamed Abd Al-Wahab, and new as Said Kuttub.
The isis anchoress on his media campaign on all kind of media, audible, written and electronic media.
The isis (organization built and economy on charity, zakat, ransom of kidnapping, theft and looting, stealing banks, grab the oil wells and external financing from some countries.
The organization built a strategy in several stages, management of brutality empowering the caliphate declaration.
The west concentrate on the isis for the control all over the middle east because of it’s strategic importance.
One of the most important factors that Arab led to the emergence of the isis is the Arab revolutions.
The isis in Libya has spread benefiting from weak situation of the country after the revolution against Al-Kaddfi regime.