نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
قسم التاريخ، کلية الآداب، جامعة عين شمس
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
Researchers were interested in studying the history of Andalusia, Especially the historical narration in the Kingdom of Granada since its establishing in the year 235 AH / 1237 AD Until its fall in the year 897 AH/ 1492 AD.
The year 635 AH is considered a turning point in the history of the city of Granada after Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Nasr arrived in it, and its people pledged allegiance to him, And he is called Sultan Ibn Al-Ahmar and began building the Kingdom of Granada, And known a grow and density of the population as a result of the massive immigration of the Muslims of Andalusia, as well as the care of Sultan Ibn al-Ahmar for scholars, jurists and poets, and he brought them closer to him.
and thus the Sultans of Bani Nasr followed his example in attracting thinkers and scholars. And assigning scientific or administrative positions to them in the Granada kingdom.
Then this renaissance had an impact on the establishment of schools, the expansion of mosques and the emergence of books in various scientific fields, which helped the prosperity of the movement of historical codification in that kingdom.
With regard to the contents of this study, it includes an introduction, a preface, six chapters and a conclusion. The introductory chapter dealt with the science of history and its development in Andalusia before the period of Bani Nasr in Granada.
The first chapter dealt with: according to the types of historical writing in the period of Bani Nasr, who were arranged according to the types of historical writing in terms of prophetic biography, general history, history of states, kings, local dates, genealogies and translations.
The second chapter deals with the types of historical writing in the period of Bani Nasr, which varied greatly to include global history, history of states and kings, local history (history of cities), genealogies and translations, dictionaries of sheikhs, and others.
The third chapter deals with the historical resources of historians of the period of Bani Nasr, where it focused on six points, watching and contemporary, oral narratives, documents, the writings of the East and the West, questions and writing, archaeological writings and epigraphy.
The fourth chapter deals with the methods of historical writing for the historians of the period of Bani Nasr, where it is concerned with the techniques of scientific research represented in language and style, methods of transmission, and historical criticism and its types.
The fifth chapter deals with the historical view of historians of the period of Bani Nasr.
The sixth chapter deals with the aims and objectives of the historians of the era of Bani Nasr.