نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
جامعة بغداد /کلية الآداب
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
It seems that capabilities of the mysticism poets have not been ceased at a specific boundaries where traditional poem is subjected to their cognition , but rather they have been able to functionalize this mystical stanza . This new art has been placed for singing for this special nature of new and special technique. Thus , undoubtedly, this ne systems' poets have included thoughts and philosophies of metaphysical dimension as to serve their philosophy and their ideas ,especially , they succeeded to functionalize the poetry and poem as that indicated in " Al-Ashwaq" for " Ibn Arabi " and " Ibn Faridh" and others. This matter necessitated to personify state of creation , especially it got elevated in the Arabic poetry and has not been got out of boundaries of praising, description, pride , courtship , wooing and satire to the world of spirituality where the poet transfers across its atmosphere searching for spiritual elements that keep contact with his special and private thoughts.
The mystical poetry has brought about a great event in the reality of Arabic literature, it might that the critics of traditional poems objected that, but when people began liking this kind of poetry, the critics hasted to join others, but some of them tried to uncover secrets of such poetry. Thus, this kind of poetry has occupied its deserved prestige, especially when European modernism Poets have got admired about this poetry and tried to get some samples of this new poetical trends. This is actually applied on the art of "Al-Muwashah" which we study in this research .