نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
1 أستاذ ورئيس قسم الإدارة العامة – کلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية -جامعة المستقبل FUE- مستشار- المعهد القومى للحوکمة والتنمية المستدامة
2 أستاذ الإدارة العامة – کلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية – جامعة القاهرة- المدير التنفيذى – المعهد القومى للحوکمة والتنمية المستدامة
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلفون [English]
Lots of studies, starting since the latest decade of the twentieth century, focused and analyzed the impact of FWA (Flexible Work Arrangement) on human being behavior and organizational performance. At that period this focus came as a result of the booming witnessed then in technological advancement. Nowadays; nonetheless, the focus comes as a result of the international pandemic that obligated all or most organizations to go online, adopting different forms of FWA. The paper at hand is a trial towards analyzing the global debates regarding the proved or potential impact of FWA on organizational performance, trying to explain the addressed impacts through discussing the relevant already established psychological theories side by side the already proved worldwide cases. The study focuses on analyzing the impact on several organizational variables; i.e., job commitment, satisfaction, turnover, and salary structure. In addition the study tries to investigate the possible reasons behind the impact proved between FWA and WLC (work/life conflict). The case chosen for application is the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (NIGSD) that from the statistical results proved to confirm the debate took place in the existing literature regarding the inconsistent relation between FWA and organizational performance.