نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
معيدة بکلية الآداب، قسم الدراما والنقد المسرحى، جامعة عين شمس
الموضوعات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
This research aims to shed light on Tagore`s theater and its relation with Tagore`s anti-nationalism. Also this research cares about identifying of Tagore and his calling against nationalism, class conflicts, industrial and capital life, and that is through his theater where he was release his ideas and also, restructures the modern India.
Theatrical texts of Tagore proceed mainly to undermining colonialism & the solid tradition of nationalism with its all believes norms, concepts and calling against internal or external colonialism. His theatrical works depended on dividing all binaries even the east and the west or between the people of the same town. Tagore was able by his thought and humanitarian sense to dissolve the all differences between all humans.
The research analyses the texts of Tagore`s theater by using some concepts of the post-colonial approach. The main reason to choose this approach because the researcher beliefs that, this approach is more suitable for Tagore`s thought and by using its tools it can clarify his vision and his ongoing search for love, peace & anti nationalism. During the analysis of texts have been exposed to some of the concepts that belong to the post-colonial approach, namely; (binaries distraction).