This Study Titled Eloquent Metaphor In The Holy Quran Is A stylistic Statistic.
Perhaps The Motive Is That Many Of The Authors And commentators Have confused The Analogy Eloquent And Metaphor And In Spite Of The Obvious Differences Between Them And The Approach Taken In This Study Is To Approach Stylistic Is Based On The Number Of The Analogy Eloquent In The Holy Quran And The Counting Numbers Of Each Image Of It With Interpretation Increase The Proportion Of Eloquent Verses In Surah Without The Others.
The Most Important Findings Is That The Metaphor And Eloquent That Imam Abdul Kaher Jerjani Has Separated The people In The Distinction Eloquent Declarative Subsequent Adopted It Putting Them In Five Differences That Eloquent Metaphor In The Holy Quran Are In One Hundred And Fifteen Placement. People Later Depended On Them.
Awadallah Abdel Fattah Rifai, S. (2016). The eloquent metaphor in the Holy Quran
Statistical stylistic study. Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 44(October - December (B)), 38-79. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2016.14653
Samir Awadallah Abdel Fattah Rifai. "The eloquent metaphor in the Holy Quran
Statistical stylistic study", Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 44, October - December (B), 2016, 38-79. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2016.14653
Awadallah Abdel Fattah Rifai, S. (2016). 'The eloquent metaphor in the Holy Quran
Statistical stylistic study', Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 44(October - December (B)), pp. 38-79. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2016.14653
Awadallah Abdel Fattah Rifai, S. The eloquent metaphor in the Holy Quran
Statistical stylistic study. Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 2016; 44(October - December (B)): 38-79. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2016.14653